Posts Tagged ‘adventures in tech’


Letting go of old angst

October 21, 2013

Yesterday, I went to this conference, nervous due to my normal social anxiety and uncomfortable with my identity as I sporting a “Press” badge.

The first person I interacted with is the one guy at the whole conference that I’d hoped not to see. Of course.

I’ve never been to this conference but this guy is involved with everything IEEE, at least locally so I was concerned he’d be there. Let me explain why I had hoped to avoid him. Because maybe I’m wrong and I’m finally willing to have someone say “cut the guy some slack” or “let it go”.

My book came out two years ago. Just about that time, I decided to upgrade my membership from IEEE member to IEEE senior member. There was a member upgrade night, to meet senior members who could provide the recommendations necessary for upgrade. Soon after I walked in, I found a guy who said my background and resume were so good, he’d be willing to sponsor me as well as write a recommendation. That meant I got to skip a step. Sweet.

I met another senior member who was willing to write a recommendation.

I wanted a third person because I’m an overachiever (and a big believer in backup plans). Though the organizer (we’ll call him Fred as there will be more about him) said two was enough. Since the process had all gone very quickly and they weren’t busy, Fred offered to look over my application and resume. I handed over my papers.

He made some comments on my resume. They were ok, they didn’t really fit with how I present myself. My resume is targeted toward hiring managers, busy people looking for high level information and probably only willing to drill deeper in a few spots. I was proud it was two pages. While the other recommenders liked my resume as it was, Fred felt strongly that I should submit a longer CV with my application. He had specific suggestions for what I should do.

Happy for the help, I re-added the projects and papers I’d clipped. I made sure my CV showed growth in my careers: college, junior engineer, senior engineer, technical lead, manager, director, business owner. I added descriptions to my juried papers and to my magazine articles. I made sure my book and patents were prominent. It was a lot of bragging. And a lot of pages.

A month passed. While my sponsor came through, the other recommendation writer bailed so I needed to find someone. Since I’d already interacted with Fred, I emailed him. I thanked him for his help, describing the changes I’d made, asked if he’d write the second recommendation for me.

Fred emailed back and suggested more changes. Ooooookaaaay… I’d already put in more work than I’d expected but it seemed silly to stop when another hour of fussing would lead to the (tiny) senior member payoff.

I made the changes he requested. As I did it, though, I wondered if my application was so iffy that I needed to do more highlighting of instances success. But the committee gets a lot of applications and I want to make the choice easy for them (Fred’s reasoning but I bought it), so I made the changes.

I re-sent my packet to Fred. He wanted more changes before he’d write a recommendation.

At this point, my opinion was “to hell with them”. I didn’t know why Fred kept putting up more hurdles, what he found lacking in me.

The bar for senior member status isn’t that high: at least ten years in a related career with definite growth shown over five of those years. These are checkboxes. I suppose there is some subjectivity regarding what growth means but I’d say title changes count. I was actually pretty depressed that my new super-CV couldn’t show that I’d met those requirements. I couldn’t really imagine what more he’d want and I didn’t have time to fuss more.

I emailed back to him and said that he’d sufficiently discouraged me, that if my application was so borderline that three passes were needed, I’d wait until I was less borderline. I did not thank him for his help. I was polite (and brief).

About a month later, I got email from a guy I knew from other things, that I’d done a favor for. When I realized he was senior member, I got a recommendation from him. Easy peasy. He said my application rocked. My membership was upgraded with no questions from the committee.

Fred is the guy here at the conference. I don’t know if he recalls this interaction or not. Whenever I see his name on an IEEE ballot, I wince and fail to vote. Part of me knows that he really was trying to help, in his own way. Part of me is angered that he’d put me through so many hoops that I was willing to give up. I don’t know why I was so special or if he does this for everybody.

It isn’t like IEEE senior membership gets me anything: it isn’t even something anyone cares about on my resume. I was only willing to give up a little of my valuable time getting an upgrade that has no value. I ended up spending far more angst and time than I wanted. Apparently, there is still some angst.


Trip report: Shaping the Future of MEMS and Sensors

September 10, 2013

I went to STM's one day conference on MEMS and sensors. When C asked what I was expecting, I said I didn't know. I remember going to an Atmel mini-conf and got some neat technical information about their MCUs and a dev kit or two… but that was many years ago. Since this was less technical, less hands on, I figured I'd hear more about theory and future plans. I was still hoping for a dev kit. (I always hope for a dev kit. Even when I go to the grocery store.)

It was good that I didn't have a particular goal because it was nothing like what my unformed expectations were.

Taking a step backward, Karen Lightman and I got to talking at DesignWest this year. We've chatted a few times (once on my podcast) and she invited me to the MEMS Industry Group Executive Congress. I suppose I thought this event would be somewhat similar, a little less business focus but still a very “where is MEMS headed?” approach.

One thing I should mention is that this mini-conference was free to attend. And they fed us several times. It is at the Santa Clara Marriott which is a nice location (though I'm going to have a nightmare that involves the garish pattern of the rug). Cherche la femme. Except with money.

And yet, unlike the Atmel processor event, this has not been an overt advertisement. I'm having trouble describing what the conference has been like, hence the roundaboutness. Let me continue with what the day has not been:

  • It has not been very technical. A few sessions got into technical details but most were high level information, more like an introduction why wireless sensors are neat or how the MEMS industry has changed over time, particularly in the morning.
  • It has not been particularly future looking. (It is called “Shaping the Future”.) While there are some microfluidics actuators that I was unaware of, I haven't learned much about sensors that exist now (or that will exist in 3 months, 6 months, or 2 years.

Continuing my randomwalk to getting to the point, I misread the email and went to the Santa Clara Convention center this morning. I saw many tech people streaming in the building: backpacks, jeans, a few suit jackets, all men, mostly with bad posture. I wondered very briefly if I was in the right spot but it seemed like my normal sort of crowd so I followed them in.


I was wrong. The people here are more like VP of Engineering level or managers. There are application engineers and some development engineers (and consultants, ahem). There are more suites than jeans at this conference and very few backpacks (oops, though my blue backpack really is a lovely specimen of backpackdom). Shoes are mainly leather with very few sneakers, lots of nice heels. Oh, and lots of women. I don't know how they got such a good ratio but they did. Maybe MEMS has more women?


Anyway, these are the grownups. So why are they here?


The speakers seem to be trying to convince me that wireless sensors, sensor fusion, and wearable technology are important (and coming soon). Ummm… Some of that is already here, I know, I've shipped those products. For the rest, we've got all the pieces, we just need to figure out how to put it together, make it cheap and easy to use, and then ship it. I suppose I'm too tactical given that I already accept these proposed strategies.

I suppose if I wasn't already in this industry, maybe this would be new information to me. But I like MEMS sensors and I've been working with them for two different clients. And I do tend to try to be industry current and this is, I suppose, relatively current.

Still, the level of material is different from my normal conferences, not technical enough to satisfy me as an engineer and not future-looking enough to make me excited as an architect looking at far-off products. Maybe if I was more used to be only in the role of manager, this might satisfy a need to know what's new and likely to be on the schedule in the next year.

For the most part, the people I met were more interesting than the talks. But there were some good talks so let me start there.

My favorite talk was from Jon Kindred from Starkley. He spoke on hearing aids, the current technology and the future plans. He was not only a good speaker, I was jaw-droppingly interested in the technology contained in the tiny, tiny super power efficient, more smarts than my 1992 computer, in-ear-canal hearing aid. I meant to leave to go see another session but I stuck around after (even ambushed him later). So, that was good. I do so like looking at other peoples' technical underwear. And I'd love to work on that technology and application. And have him on my podcast.

I think my second favorite was from Alissa Fitzgerald. She designs custom MEMS sensors, particularly for medical applications. She talked about the risks of putting things in human bodies. I mean, the risks to the chips, a different perspective. I met Alissa doing the DesignWest sensors in health panel so seeing her talk was one of my main reasons to attend. Not disappoointed.

Finally, I enjoyed Michael Emerson's talk about Preventice, an Android phone connected EKG monitor. It made me think of the podcast with Dr. Edward White about medical technology. I wish I could get them to talk to each other (and let me listen).

As for the people, let me start with people I already knew. Mike Perkins was my boss' boss at HP (omg, that was so long ago) and then again at LeapFrog (that was still more than a decade ago). I wish he'd had his own session, I'd like to hear more about his opinions on the industry and his role at Neato Robot.

I also met Eric Wilson, my boss at the six-week, seldom-spoken-of stint at Steve Wozniak's Wheels of Zeus. I sat next to him at lunch, 75% confident it was him. He didn't recognize me. He seemed awkward about it though I felt it was funny.

Other people I met, I wonder if I'll meet them again at the MEMS Executive Council. Some of them, I think. Though that will be very business related, not technology related. I suspect that will be a very strange conference for me, outside my normal realm. I'm pleased to be going as an expert in shipping embedded products, I'm comfortable in that role though it isn't one I tend to introduce myself as.

I handed out my card, both book cards and Logical Elegance business cards. I'd love to work on hearing aids or something neat like that. But I didn't hear about a lot of super whizzy product using little-heard-of sensors. Maybe during the ending networking session.




Passionate, articulate designers talking about sensors in health

April 30, 2013

Last Wednesday, I was on a panel at Design West (the embedded systems conference). The panel was about using sensors in health applications. It was called Sensors Saving Lives and it was in the Expo Theater, right on the show floor, so there were lots of people walking by (and a good number sitting down, watching the panel).

We had some technical difficulties with mikes squealing at the very high range of hearing (it is always a bad sign when your audience is holding their ears). But that got fixed. And then things went well.

Our panel consisted of:

  • Christine Brumback, Director of Product Management at Fitbit, talking about their new Flex wrist based step-tracker (it will also track swimming and sleep).
  • Alissa Fitzgerald, CEO of AM Fitzgerald, a company that makes custom MEMS sensors (can you imagine your own sensor, sensing something new?), describing tiny (tiny!) pressure sensors for blood and cranial pressure.
  • Shena Park, Director of Product Development at iRhythm Technologies, discussing the challenges of ECG monitoring device intended for long-term wear.
  • Me! I was talking about a project I worked on about 18 months back: SpotOn, a non-invasive body temperature monitoring system for use in surgery and ICUs that recently made it thought clinical trials.
  • Jen Costillo, founder of RebelBot, was our moderator, making sure we stayed on topic and kept us going. (Jen was also my coconspirator in making this happen.)

Yeah, we had a panel at the embedded systems conference that consisted entirely of women. The attendance (and speakers) at the conference are primarily men so this is pretty odd.

We didn't get any negative comments. None. We did get lots of “neat topic” and “good information” comments.

Let's be really, annoyingly clear: it wasn't a panel about being women in technology. Those have their place (but I'm completely bored of the topic). It was a panel of women in technology talking about their tech and how awesome it is. Our post-panel questions were about health related embedded systems and about our particular areas of expertise. It rocked.

Every once in awhile I think “This! This is what I want to grow up to be!” This panel was one of those magical times.




Embedded systems podcast?

April 23, 2013

At the embedded systems conference, Star Simpson, Jen Costillo, and I did a talk called Start Tinkering. The goal was to get people interested in doing hobby projects: why we do it and how to get into it. We did a radio show, I announced at the inaugural podcast.

But if it is the inaugural, that indicates there would be more podcasts. So what would we do podcasts about?

This one was very high level, an introduction to getting involved. I think I'd want to do a deeper dive into technical things, but still with a hobbyist bent.

I'd like to have a podcast that was just Jen and me, getting a box from Amazon that contains an Arduino and maybe one other board (accelerometer? ThingM LED?). We'd chat and open the box and download the software to make Arduino work. We'd do the normal Hello World to make the LED on the board work (that code is included when you install the compiler), and then change it so the LED blinks at a different rate and all the stuff we'd want to do to get started. Then we'd make the other board (accelerometer? LED?) work to show a few more things. Then, I think we'd rip the Arduino part off and treat it like an Atmel processor. Jen and I would chat over all of this, talking about what we were doing, talking about why we'd do this instead of that, mentioning AVR Freaks and other helpful communities.

I suppose we could do this with Raspberry Pi as well. Oh, MBED, XPresso and MSP430's cheapest board as well. It could be a segment “box to xyz”

And I'd like to do an interview with Jeri Ellsworth, asking her about what she's done and what's she planning. Actually, I'd like to interview all my friends first- Phil over at Weekend Engineering would have a lot of interesting things to say, especially about designing for consumer products. My husband could talk about FDA and UIs and embedded systems. Star could come on and talk about TacoCopter (she's locationally challenged so having her be a regular part might be difficult).

Maybe we could do a radio show of teaching someone to solder. Or talking about software design.

We'll need theme music, I think. And editing software. And good mics. And time. Lots of time. That may be the most difficult part.


Looking around furtively

November 15, 2012

I mentioned submitting conference proposals a few posts ago. Did I mention that I’m chairing a track? Ah, yes, well, that started today. It has been the most educational twenty minutes I’ve had in the last six months.

As track chair, I admit, I haven’t got a clue what I’m doing. I’ll get instructions tomorrow or Monday.  To check my ID, I logged into the review portal where I can see all the submissions waiting for my blessing. I’m to give them 1-5 stars and write a comment about the proposal. Easy-peasy.

One submitter helpfully used my track to submit a test proposal (where he copied in the information that was supposed to be filled in, that is under Submitter Comments, he wrote, Comments – 800 characters max). This should make it startlingly easy for me to put this proposal in my “review complete” list.

However, looking at the other ones, I’m struck by the information here. The session about something that sounds super nifty, exactly what I would want to see myself. The session by people who are clearly just looking for a really long commercial. The session by these strange people who want to have a chat in front of alive audience (oh, heck, I’m on that proposal, I’ll have to ask what to do with scoring myself).

More than that, I’m struck by the amount of work that went into some proposals. But not others.

Shifting topics for a second, whenever I participate in science fair judging, I talk to friends who are parents and gush about how they really, really need to sign up to judge if they ever want their child to win. It isn’t about gaming the system but about understanding what is happening on the other side of the curtain. What do the science fair judges look for, how can they look at two hundred projects in two hours and get to an award, and what pieces matter (and what pieces don’t)?

Back to the conference proposals. I suddenly get it. I understand why last year I got a very odd phone call about the session I wanted to put on because it didn’t fit the mold of the rest of the proposals (moldiness in some cases).

I’ve played chess with myself (heck, I learned the undefeatable tic-tac-toe strategy by playing against myself, it was for, um, kindergarten research, yeah, not because I didn’t have any friends, um, yeah). I strongly encourage new interviewees to practice interviewing each other so they can see what the other side of the table sees.

But I’ve never applied it to conference proposals. Duh. I am happy to be able to see what others are doing, to understand the rules. Usually, I look around furtively, trying to figure out if I’m doing this right by following along and hoping I’m blending so no one notices if I’m out of step.


Let me see if I can sum up my findings… remember this is the twenty minute education:

  • There are a lot of proposals. Title really counts. Funny is great. Funny and informative will get you two stars all by itself.
  • Scatter your submissions around the conference tracks. There are four proposals by one guy. When I dug in and read his bio, he’s just a guy. He’s not going to get all four sessions because I want some variety in my track.
  • You aren’t being judged alone, you are being judged against other people. It isn’t a good or bad call, it is a better or worse judgement. That can work in your favor but it also means you shouldn’t take it personally if your proposal gets axed.
  • More information isn’t necessarily better. At this point, a commercial for your session is more important than a dissertation. I’m happy to see you have a dissertation because it means you thought about it. But I don’t want to have to read it before figuring out if you are in the correct track.
  • Realize the proposal is going to someone, a human who is tired and busy and doing this between other activities. You’ve been there, write your proposal for the Friday-afternoon you. Don’t assume too much knowledge and write something nice in the comments, even if it is “Thanks for your consideration, I hope you enjoy this proposal. If not, please let me know what you’d like for next year.”

Well, I’ve got things to read. I should get back to that. I suspect it will be even more educational over the next week or so.