Posts Tagged ‘writing’


Debate with myself on blogging

April 6, 2014

I spoke at the embedded systems conference (EELive!) last week. Things went reasonably well, some events grated on me (and will for a bit though I suspect no one else noticed).

On Thursday afternoon, I gave a surprisingly well-attended talk, especially as it was near the end of the conference. My presentation was titled “What marketing won’t tell you about the Internet of Things”. Obviously, I fished for controversy.  However, once I talked mentioned my presentation was about how consumers were not being well-served by the IoT, particularly in the area of configuration, well, it wasn’t as contrarian (or iconoclastic, a word I like much better, or curmudgeonly, a word I like less well) as it might have seemed.

At the conference, I was asked by three different folks to write for them (four if you count UBM, the organizers of the conference, for which I have already written). None of them offered to pay me.

I’m honored to be asked but my time is valuable.

That probably lacks tact or subtlety or something.

Part of me thinks writing for well-advertised blogs is a good idea: it helps sell my book and I am currently looking for a new contract. It is just a blog entry or two (or four).

On the other hand, it is for their sites (two of which I can’t even read anything on because of the hideous amount of flashing advertising, two of which I haven’t read in the past so I don’t know the state of their blinkage). I can blog here if I want to, anytime, about anything; I don’t even have to edit it or use proper words in any sort of standard order. Also, no stupid flashing ads.

I don’t really advertise this blog and I can’t say I think many people read it. Strangely, this is a big plus for me. If I wanted more readers, I’d tweet more and crosslink from the podcast. But this is a forum I can use for half-baked ideas, where I don’t need to be a shiny-polished professional.

Back to the first hand. On one of the sites, an audience member for my talk wrote up a short set of blurbs from my talk but it boiled an hour long talk into a thirty second read; my talk made little sense if that was what you heard of it. It was great to get the write up but frustrating to read the comments because they seem to think I’m an idiot. I could do ~10 entries, using my slides and talk. If I wrote them all next week and slated them to release every week, it probably would be only about two days’ worth of work.

Back to the other hand, these sites depend on content. That is how they make money. Why am I doing their job for them? Why would I work for free so they can get paid? Exposure is insufficient, I’m feeling a little overexposed right now anyway.

Do I even want to get paid? We just did our taxes and more revenue streams makes for more complexity. Also, why would I work for less money than I do when engineering? That grates more than taxes: the blogs can’t pay me engineering rates, mine are too high. Working for less devalues my time. (But working for free is pro bono, a different compartment.)

I have many options for what to do with my free time:

  • work on educational, nonpaying personal projects (ayok widget, soldering things, this blog, our podcast, take an online class or two)
  • take a break from tech, exercise more and genuinely slack
  • fish for jobs, emailing friends and checking job boards (though most of my business comes from referrals so job boards don’t pan out)
  • write for other blogs, get exposure for podcast and book, maybe ask them to pay me though it will be at a fairly low rate
  • house and business chores (reconcile business bank statements, make a new website for Logical Elegance (one that loads faster and links to the podcast), gardening)

Given this list, how should I prioritize it? Actually, I think it is in priority order (if priority is akin to desire to do these things).

For the two weeks prior to the conference, I spent about an hour a day working on my presentation (this is the problem with hour long presentations, practicing takes awhile). I can’t say I don’t have the time right now, I could put that time into writing blogs. I will need to figure out which ones and what I want to say there. (Converting the presentation to blog posts would work on one of two of the options. Two others suggested topics, one of which requires somewhat-interesting research.)

To sum up: I’m ambivalent. In the short term, committing to someone else’s blog (or even a magazine) seems foolish, especially as I’m uncertain what I’d get out of it (other than a headache trying to read my post amidst flashing ads).



What is it like to program?

July 1, 2012

I compared algorithms to recipes not too long ago. But I wanted to write a post about test driven development (TDD) and how every time I rediscover it, I think that it is great. So I was thinking about how to explain TDD to someone who doesn’t work with computers. And that was when I realized that just explaining how to program is not that easy.

I think of programming as writing: writing a story that is supposed to evoke a particular response from a given audience. Let’s say you had a young girl and you wanted her to smile, giggle, gasp, cry and then smile (with eye crinkles!). Other than those five actions, you don’t care what she does, but you need all five in, say, 15 minutes.

Once upon a time, there was a princess. She looked a lot like you! Her name… sotto, what is your name? Violet? Oh, that is beautiful! And you know what, her name was Violet too: Princess Violet Purple Lavender!

Ok, so I bet I’ve knocked off the first two responses there. But I’d have to try it out. I’d have to find a girl (named Violet) and tell her my story-let. And then, if it didn’t work, I’d have to erase her memory and try again.  And let’s pretend I could keep erasing and keep trying out stories until I got my five small emotional outbursts, all in order, all in my allotted time.

I may have to learn more about her to accomplish my task? What makes her scared? Is that the best way to elicit a gasp?  This information may be useful in crafting other stories for other children (or it may not, Violet may be oddly singular). And how I choose to go about this is very personal to me. I’d rather she gasped in surprise than terror. Given the current specification, I have that option.

There are lots of other stories out there, I might crib information from some of them and I might admire the elegant solutions or particularly fine writing. If a story ending isn’t copyrighted and is good for eliciting big smiles, well, I may use it myself, either wholesale or adapting it to the rest of my tale.

When I write programs, I’m telling the computer a story to get it to do what I want. There are lots and lots of ways to do it. Some ways are easier, some ways are considered better (if your Violet is young enough, you might get a gasp by dropping the F-bomb randomly but how are you going to get back to a smile from there?).

Sometimes I do have to figure out how to trick the computer into the action I want, very much like a puzzle. And sometimes I have each action as a preformed Lego block from some other story and I just need to find a good way to hook them together. That can be a puzzle too, especially if they don’t quite fit together (this one has a dragon, that one has a sea monster).

Finally, when I write my story, I’m not only writing for my audience but also for other writers. That story drivel above is clear and understandable but it isn’t great literature. I don’t know that I want to write great literature. But something with a little more craft would please me and any fellow writers who have to read my stories (err… fellow software engineers who have to read my code). It is kind of like the Anamaniacs cartoon where there were jokes for the kiddies and then there was another level of humor for the adults watching. The programs are for the computers and for the other programmers. A lot of programmers forget that.

I could ride this poor metaphor pretty far, but does it make sense to you? I don’t think I’ve represented the square-hole-in-a-round-peg problem-solving and puzzle aspect of it well enough so maybe I need an entirely different metaphor or I need to work in the poetry aspect to it. But then getting a kid to do what you want is often a pretty big puzzle. Anyway, if you program, how would you describe it to someone who didn’t?




Oh! They love me! They really love me!

June 14, 2012

One of my first reviews for Making Embedded System came on the O’Reilly site and it was a not a good review. I mean, it was a bad review (and it wasn’t particularly well written).

It was somewhat heartbreaking to have put all that work into a book and then have someone bash it. And he hadn’t really read it (one of the things he said was terrible was, funny enough, something I was saying was terrible if only he’d done more than flip through it).

Ouch. But I try (try really, really hard sometimes) to learn from mistakes and to be as mature as possible about such things. I totally agree with this author’s posting: “The biggest enemy of our careers is not bad reviews, but obscurity.” As with my view on ebook pirating, I may not like bad reviews but I do want my book to make ripples. I am not yet to Scalzi’s delighting in one star reviews but I’d almost (almost, maybe) have bad reviews than nothing. Of course, Scalzi’s examples are much funnier than mine. And he’s got a thicker skin from years of doing this.

But as we were gone on our cross country trip, two more reviews were added to my book on Amazon, heaping my collection of 5-star reviews there to a lucky 7.  (Which isn’t to say that 8 or 9 or 53 would be unlucky, feel free to add more, I won’t mind.)

Now, I will admit that I know Ken Brown, one of the Amazon reviewers. And when he said, “Well, is there anything else I could do?” after tech reviewing it (and doing an awesome job with the review), I immediately asked if he could pretty please write a review.

Still, seven people like my book enough to take the time to write a review in Amazon. I’m sometimes surprised by what they liked most about it. I mean, check this out from James Langbridge, a guy I’ve never met (though we exchanged emails after he entered some errata):

This book is full of technical detail, but more importantly, it is full of wisdom. I had fun reading this, and to the question would I recommend this book to a friend? I already have, to junior members of my team.

I like “I had fun reading this”… such a wonderful thing to say about a technical book. And this:

I would say that the most valuable contribution this book makes is in explaining the design integration of hardware components and basic EE-technologies to a software developer who has not yet experienced the design of a sophisticated embedded system. – Ira Laefsky

And then on Goodreads, someone said exactly what I could have wished for:

I wish this book was around when I started working.

Because that is the book I wrote: the one I wish I had when I started.





Writing is hard

June 7, 2012

If you ever think “I want to be a writer” or “I want to write a book” then I have the giant secret that everyone is keeping from you that will enable you do to just that.


Um, yeah. That is it. I hear other authors talk about “butt in chair” time. Sometimes what you write is not awesome. If you wanted to play a piano sonata in front of your friends and family, do you think you’d expect to walk up there and do it? Or do you think you’d have to practice and practice? Writing is the same. Get over it. You put your time in and eventually (eventually!) you get something out of it.

Unfortunately, I find that I get tired of writing. Oh, I know, you think I program computers and that is totally different. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I spend a lot of time thinking about how to phrase something when I’m programming, how to make the comments instructive and useful while still being short, and how to build from detail to big picture.

For me, the skills are similar to writing. Which is why after working all day, I’m not blogging. During the trip, it was extremely relaxing to write. Now, it is kind of a chore. I don’t plan to give up my blog but I’ve got exciting new things happening and contract job that has a crazy deadline. Between them (and the update to Plants vs Zombies), I’m not getting any writing done here on the blog.

It isn’t a lack of ideas, just a lack of oomph.

To distract you, let me show you what C has been up to:

Those great photos of the venus transit (and the awesome eclipse one!) also represent hours and hours of work. And it isn’t only the work of setting the telescope up and pushing the button every few minutes to get a new shot while sitting in the sun. Each picture needs to be evaluated and some of them need adjustments to highlight the cool stuff.

With butt in chair, he’s doing photography. As well as programming. Which also has an oddly large crossover with photography.





My mom only gave me 4 stars on Amazon

May 29, 2012

In November of 2005, I wrote a novel.

It was fairly terrible but really, really fun to write (and for me to read). Someone with a resume suspiciously like mine ends up free floating in space and has to save the world from terrorists with the help of her drummer-physicist-engineer husband. (Yeah, that would be C.)

The novel came about via NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and my officemate (and friend). Phil came in one day and said, “I really want to write a novel for NaNoWriMo.” I replied (and I swear I was just trying to get some work done, I may even have had headphones on) “I will if you will.” Phil will not live down the hassling until he finishes his novel. Which I’m sure will be this November.

After two months planning and one month writing, I spent a year editing and refining and then got it self-published through, mostly as a Christmas present to my mom but also to continue the hassling of Phil. A year or two later, Lulu worked out a deal with Amazon. One morning I got to work and there was my book on Amazon. It was very, very cool.

Well, once you get a book (anything) on Amazon, the next thing to do is to get some reviews. Phil, exceedingly graciously given the aforementioned hassling, wrote a 5-star review for me. My mom also agreed to do a review. She gave the novel 4 stars.

Let me say it more clearly: my mom only gave my book 4 stars on Amazon.

Oh, so amusing and cringe-worthy. Both at the same time. There is nothing like your parents keeping you humble.

To be fair, my mom had no idea that a 4-star review was akin to saying “just ok”. Amazon indicates it means “I like it” vs. the 5-star “I love it”.  In her review, my mom says that the work is pretty good for a first time author and she looks forward to more. It is a positive review with a few light criticisms from someone who reads a lot (a lot!) of science fiction and fantasy. She had high standards and my novel didn’t quite merit the same rating she’d give to Bradley, McCaffrey, Henderson, Norton, or Zelazny.

My mom was very supportive in everything I did. I never had any doubt she loved me. But anytime I talk growing up, I definitely pulled out the 4-star review as an indication of how difficult my childhood was. It almost always gets me an incredulous laugh.

Around the time my mom passed away, the reviews from both her and Phil disappeared (Lulu and Amazon weren’t linked anymore and the reviews didn’t apply to the Kindle version for some reason). I wish I’d copied them down. But I’ll never forget them.