

November 28, 2014

I got to thinking about Thanksgiving as a holiday devoted to eating (though, thanking is sometimes considered, let’s be honest about the true tummy extending form of the holiday). That got me to thinking about gluttony and wondering if we had holidays devoted to all seven deadly sins.

Wikipedia says Dante’s Divine Comedy lists the sins as

  1. luxuria (lechery/lust)
  2. gula (gluttony)
  3. avaritia (avarice/greed)
  4. acedia (sloth/discouragement)
  5. ira (wrath)
  6. invidia (envy)
  7. superbia (pride)

Lust is obviously St. Valentine’s day. That’s easy. Gluttony is Thanksgiving.

Greed? Hmm….

Oooh! Sloth is Labor Day! Actually, I think April Fool’s Day is the best match for sloth/discouragement. While normally the gags are funny, they are often deceptively discouraging.

Wrath? I think maybe Halloween, though that really depends on tricks or treats.

Envy, I would say would be Christmas. Is anyone ever truly happy with their presents? And don’t we ask for things we envy? Or is that greed? I don’t think I understand the difference between these. Maybe Christmas is greed and CES is about envy. But that isn’t a holiday.

Clearly, I need a list of holidays. Ahh, that helps. New Year’s Day is drunkenness, which doesn’t make the list of sins. I suppose I’m glad for that. Sadly, stupidity is not a sin or Groundhog’s Day would get a slot.

Pride? I suppose St. Patrick’s Day. Or 4th of July. Yeah, that’s more general. Though I do like fireworks.  Oh! I know! Ahahahahaaheeehee!

Let’s see:

  1. Lust – Valentines (90% match)
  2. Gluttony – Thanksgiving (90% match)
  3. Avarice/greed – Christmas (85% match)
  4. Sloth/discouragement – April Fool’s Day (75% match)
  5. Wrath – Halloween (50% match)
  6. Envy – CES (40% match); Spring Break (40% match)
  7. Pride – SuperBowl Sunday (75% match)

So the easy ones are easy but the other ones, not so much.

Have you considered this? What did you come up with for wrath and envy? I did consider Christmas Eve for Greed and Christmas Day for Envy. That is better than the ones I chose but seemed unfair that Christmas got two slots.