Is this even real? Sometimes it seems like I’m in a dream It sounds so unlikely that we’ve driven this far across the country. C also reports feeling like maybe he’ll wake up at home in bed any minute. I think one of the most difficult parts is knowing that we aren’t even halfway done. It is going to be a long time before we wakeup in our bed.
Today is the first day C seriously mentioned flying back to California after we visit his family. We could be home in six or ten hours.
Today, we reached Virginia, finally returning to a state that has an ocean. Where once** upon a time, a 6.5 hour drive to the ocean would have seemed much, much to far, now that seems relatively close.
** “Once” would have been last Saturday. It truly seems like that was weeks, maybe months, ago.
Last night’s hotel in Memphis was ok, we should have switched rooms when we got there. On the street with a tram rumbling by under it and right next to the elevator and across from the ice machine, the location was a triumvirate of suck. But the room was big and not too loud, and we were so wiped when we got there. We went to sleep ridiculously early but woke up pretty early too.
Checking in today, we specified non-freeway, far from the elevator. But when I went to move the car, I couldn’t find the room again. After trying several doors, I texted C and he told me. So now we know to ask for a quiet room, away from everything, that also has the room number 224 because I can’t remember any new ones.
Anyway, we finished the bulk of crossing the continent. Tomorrow’s drive to DC is a relatively short one. And while it isn’t a beach Chesapeake Bay is my introduction to the Atlantic Ocean.
I suppose it is time to reflect a little before we start touristing all the national monuments and Smithsonian museums. I guess if we fly back, I’ll be a little sad. This trip has been tough with the driving and mixed bag of hotels. A good night’s sleep has a huge influence on my enjoyment of the next day’s drive. Sleep is the difference between drudgery and adventure.
When the trip has been adventure, I’ve had a lot of fun. I’ve gotten excited about Minneapolis and Yellowstone. And the wide open spaces had been addictive so I’d like to see more; lake country has the possibility of awe and so does Yogi Bear’s home. And then there is North Dakota, a state that is a dark horse, I just don’t know much about it.
On the other hand, the possibility of being home (cue warm and safe and home! music) is incredibly enticing. I wouldn’t say I’m exactly homesick but I do miss the pets. I even miss working a bit. Though I do like writing instead.
But step 64 of 228? That is less than one third of the way through… and going by days, we’ve only been gone 5 days but will be gone for 26 so that is only 20% of the way though. That is so long from now. I’ll be pretty homesick by then. Unless I am having a really grand adventure.